The subject of refrigerators for the GMC is a well-traveled one. There are those who swear by their propane-fueled absorption refrigerators, and there are those who swear at them. In the best of cases, an absorption refrigerator takes the better part of a day to get to temperature, and once there it takes a while to recover if the door is opened. There is a reason we don't use absorption refrigerators in the home ... they're just not competitive with compressor-cycle fridges in any area of performance, and they are a potential fire hazard. Even moreso in a moving RV. They compromise the overall heating and cooling of the RV because they must vent to open air. In short, because the efficient 12 volt compressor refrigerator has come of age, and high-capacity LifePo4 batteries are readily available, along with affordable solar, there are few reasons left to choose an absorption fridge.